Santa Madalena de Canossa Moris iha rai Verona hosi Nasaun Italia sai hanesan inan fundadora ba Canossiana/no iha Mundo.
IPDC hanesan Ensino Superior Privado, lokaliza iha Dili, Canossa Has Laran, Delta Comoro Funda hosi Madre Canossiana sira iha tinan 2003.
Parabens!!! aniversario IPDC ba dala 16, hamutuk iha Espirito Santa Madalena nian, hodi desenvolve IPDC ba futuru.
Estudante hosi departamento Gestaun Administrativa halo pratika kona ba oinsa halo atendimento iha Edificio ida.
Estudante sira hosi departamentu teknika de komputasaun no informatika halo estudo de visita ba iha kompanhia telekomunikasaun Telemor objetivo hosi hatene kona ba sasan teknologia ne'ebe kompanhia refere utiliza hodi fornese rede no produtus oi-oin.
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Laboratorium Typing
Laboratorium Office
Laboratorium Maintenance
Laboratorium Programasaun
Laboratorium Multimedia
Laboratorium Networking
Laboratorium Languages
Office Management
Office Management Program Established To Respond To The Need Of The Country
For a Skillful Word-force, Projects Itself To Be a Leading Department Which Prepares Middle Managers Who Are Professional And Competent In Management And Administration,
Ready To Word On The Basis Of Information Technology,
Holding On To Their Religious Values And Moral Principles”
The Program Has Been Designed To Prepare Students To Have Necessary Background In The Field Of Office Management. It Gives Student A Wide Base Of Knowledge About Important Facets Of Managing A Workplace; At The Same Time Develop Professionalism, Wholesome Work Ethics And Christian Values In The Workplace. The Graduates Will Be Helped To Maximize Their Opportunities For Progression, Either Through Mainstream Route Or Professional Education Route, In Preparation For Lifelong Learning In A Society Like East Timor.
The Office Management Diploma Program Has Been Designed To Provide Students With The
Practically And Managerial Skills Required By Business Today. The Program Emphasizes
Managerial Aspects Of Office Assistant/ Secretarial Work. Students Shall:
- Have A Clear Understanding Of Concepts About Managerial And Secretarial Work In The
Light Of Modern-day Need For Comprehensive Office Management. They Shall Be
Familiar With Key Words As” Management, Motivation, Resource,management Styles”
- Learn The Tools And Techniques Of Efficient, Productive And Fulfilling Office
Management : Budgeting, Filing, Basic Accounting And Bookkeeping .
- Harness The Power Of Technology And Get The Most Of Technology Through Learning The Different Computer Programs.
- Have The Ability To Work Individually And Professionally In The Field Of Administration
And Management, And We Focus On Those Who Are Able To Work Unsupervised Able To Guide Others.
Technical Computer & Informatics (Licentiate Degree)
Vision of Study Program:
Technical Computer and Informatics (TCI) study program envisioned as an excellent center for the formation and development of students with the professional and academics skill in field of Technical Computer and Informatics holding on religious values and moral principles.
Mission of the Faculty
Based on the vision of IPDC and Vision of TCI study program the mission of TCI Study program describes as following ;
a. Carry out and implement excellent quality academic programs of teaching and learning process in the field of technical computer and informatics to produce graduates with the ability to work and competitiveness with national and international level in such a way as to uphold their religious values and moral principles.
b. Carry out research and development activities that have contributed to the advancement of science and technology in the field of technical computer and informatics specially hardware, software engineering, networking and multimedia.
c. Organizing and developing and fostering community service activities that contribute to the development of society in the use of information technology (ICT) as a tool in various aspects of life that are in accordance with the development and needs of the community in order to support the nation's development.
Goals and Objectives of the Study Program
The goals of study programs are designed as following:
1. To train to students to become highly –qualified individuals, professionally and academically in the field of technical computer and informatics with specialization in Computer engineering, software engineering, system analyst and networking engineer grounded in Christ Crucified-centered Education.
2. To train students capacity to be employed for the national and international organizational , industry, business or government in the field of TCI .
3. To train student toward self-employee as well as starting their own businesses and become a small entrepreneur.
Objectives:Technical Computer and informatics (TCI) study program has been designed with the objective to:
a. Produce high quality and innovative students and graduates that have strong analytical and critical thinking skills to solve problems by applying knowledge, principles and skills in IT.
b. Train student to be ready to engage in lighting both for organizations and entrepreneurs in the field of computer technology and information systems (ICT) with the core ability and competence in;
1. Technical computer and Informatics Competency Areas such as :
a. Computing and user support, database and information management, digital media and immersive technology, networking and convergence , programming and application development
b. Specialization in computer engineer, software engineering, system analyst and networking engineer.
2. Workplace skills ; Student will be able to apply skill in the work place as following:
a. Work develop self – mastery in the field of technical computer and informatics both in theory and practice.
b. Ability to engage in continuous learning , as well as research and assess new ideas and information to provide the capabilities for lifelong learning
c. Ability to apply their competencies both in teams and individually, with strong communication skills.
d. Ability to exhibit professional, legal and ethical behavior.
MAP sei Koopera hoTelkom Hodi Uza sistema rede
Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) sei koopera ho telekomunikasaun (TelKom), hanesan Timor Telekom, Telemor no Telkomcel atu uza sistema rede hodi hafasil koletór sira hodi upload dadus kona-ba espésie ikan iha tasi-laran.
“MAP sei koopera ho telekomunikasaun tolu, hanesan Timor Telecom, Telemor no Telkomcel atu uza sistema rede hodi hafasil kolletór sira upload dadus” Diretór Jerál Peska hosi Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP), Acácio Guterres iha ámbitu lansamentu sistema monitorizasaun Peska iha edifísiu MAP, Komoro, ohin.
pelumenus porsentu 20 hosi peskadór atu hetan dadus hodi bele halo estimasaun ba produsaun ikan iha territóriu tomak.
Tanba ne’e, iha maiu 2019, MAP kontratu ona koletór dadus hamutuk 11 atu servisu iha fatin primáriu hatún ikan, atu halo análize dadus iha sentru peskadór no unidade sistema tracking ró.
WorldFish ho empreza teknolojia ki’ik Pelagic Data Systems atu monta tracker hamutuk 359 ne’ebé uza enerjia solár panél ba peskadór sira-nia ró.
Aléinde ne’e mós aparellu hirak ne’e buka tuir movimentu ró nian iha tempu reál no haruka kedan dadus ba panél kontrolu liuhosi satélite tanba ne’e mak rede tenke di’ak.
Tuir peskiza ne’ebé iha, peska iha Timor-Leste nia eskala ki’ik tebes no peskadór sira barak liu uza “bero” hodi asesu ba rikeza ahu-ruin (fringing reef, ne’ebe besik area kosteira). Agora daudaun, ahu-ruin iha Timor-Leste iha nivél saudável biomas ikan nian, define hanesan grupu organizmu vivu iha área no iha tempu determinadu.
Nune’e maka iha poténsia boot atu dezenvolve peska ho eskala ki’ik hodi atinje nutrisaun nasionál no objetivu dezenvolvimentu sira.
Governu Sei Hadia Diak Liu Tan Telekomunikasaun Iha Timor Leste
Teknologia Informasaun no Komunikasaun (TIC) sai hanesan meio vital ida, atu bele fasilita Ekonomia Digital, núdar sektor foun ba kresimentu ekonomiku no mos ba promosaun ba boa governasaun. Governu sei asegura katak ita-nia Nasaun iha rede telekomunikasoens nebé fiável (katak bele fiar ba), ho kualidade no segura, nebé krusial ba dezenvolvimentu sósio-ekonómiku ba populasaun Timor.
Infraestrutura TIC iha ita-nia Rain, hetan ona progresus signifikativus, depois de introdusaun ba merkadu telekomunikasaun nebé iha konkorensia, hahú iha 2012. Kobertura ba servisus telefone (rede 2G) hetan ona 96% husi áreas hela fatin populasaun nian, no asesu ba servisu dadus 3G nian, disponivel ona iha Munisipius tomak, no mos servisu 4G nian foin hahú dadaun iha Centros Urbanos. Ho resultadu nebé atinji ona, iha servisu telefone nian, dezafiu foun iha sektor Telekomunikasaun mak hanesan desenvolvimentu redes no servisus ba banda larga.
Governu Timor-Leste sei kontinua dezenvolve esforsus, atu kria rede Telekomunikasoens ida ne’ebé moderna, hodi bele ema hotu iha ligasaun (ka koneksaun) ba malu, iha Timor-Leste, no entre Timor Leste ho mundu, hodi hasai proveitu másimu hosi avansus iha telekomunikasaun global, inklui produsaun, difuzaun no hetan no uza konhesimentus ne’ebé iha.
Nune’e, Governu iha asaun no metas hanesan:
Implementa sistema kabu submarinu (ka husi tasi-okos) ba fibra óptika, nebé konfiável, hodi liga Timor-Leste ba instalasaun (ka fasilidades) aterrajem, liu husi kabu, iha Rejiaun, nebé permite ita-nia País hetan kapasidade no linhas de transmisaun nebé kompetitivu hodi fó koneksaun ba iha Sentru Global distribuisaun IP nian.
Prepara no implementa planus sira nebe presiza, hanesan Planu Nasional ba Banda Larga, Planu Nasional ba Seguransa Sibernétika, Planu kona ba Governu Elektroniku, Planu Infraestrutura ba Ekonomia Digital nian, no mos Planu ba Migrasaun Televizaun Digital Terrestre (DTTB) nian, atu bele sai matadalan ba diresaun jeral politika nian no bele orienta intervensoens kona-ba implantasaun no desenvolvimentu infraestruturas;
Atu kria estrutura ida ba Seguransa Sibernetika no infraestrutura kritika. Orgaun ida ne’e sei funsiona hanesan Agénsia Nasional atu halo supervisaun ba estratéjia kona-ba seguransa sibernétika, operasoens no mos desenvolvimentu kapasidade, nune’e mos atu superviziona politika, projetu no programa de desenvolvimentu iha infraestrutura kritika ne’e;
Atu promove kapasitasaun iha área Siênsia no Enjenharia, nebé presiza atu impulsiona (ka dudu) kresimentu ekonomiku foun, Governu sei haforsa Rede Peskisa no Ensino Nasional (TLREN) inklui aplika bandwidth ka banda larga, ba kedas sistema kabu submarino nian ba TLREN, hodi benefisia ka ajuda institusoens, peskiza nian ka ensinu superior nian, iha País;
Reforsa no kapasita Autoridade Nasional Komunikasoens (ANC), inklui hadi’a no moderniza ninia kuadru normativu, atu bele responde diak liu ba avansus teknolójikus no ba mudansas iha merkadu, relasiona ho konverjensia (ka tendensia atu ba fatin/hanoin/ida deit), iha teknolojia;
Buka desenvolve instalasaun ba Internet Exchange neutral (“carrier-neutral Internet exchange point”) ba operadores sira atu bele garante transmisaun dadus nebé lais no seguru, entre fornesedores servisu Internet (ISPs) iha rai laran;
Asegura kobertura ba telemóvel nebé fiável, segura no asesível ba timor-oan hotu, inklui iha áreas rurais;
Haforsa kapasidade Ekipa Resposta ba Incidentes Seguransa Komputador nian (TL-CSIRT), hodi garante asesu seguru no asesível ba internet, iha teritóriu nasional tomak;
Promove ligasaun iha internet ba Sistema Nasional Edukasaun nian tomak no mós ba Sistema Nasional de Saúde tomak, núdar sektores nebé primárius;
Konstrui servisus Governu Elektróniku, hodi atualiza redes iha governu.
Kompetisaun Músika Rezistensia Hamoris fali Patriotizmo no Nasionalizmo
Tanba, iha pasadu múzika sira ne’e hotu kanta solo de’it ho banda, entaun agora ita tau ba formatu koru ho nia objetivu atu koru ne’ebé kanta iha lian haat no halo aranjementu ba lian haat (bass, bareto, tenor, sopran no alto) ba múzika sira ne’e hotu.
“Ha’u hakarak hatete, kompetisaun ida ne’e atu bele hamoris fila fali patriotizmu no nasionalizmu ba múzika rezisténisa liuhusi aranjementu korál. Tanba múzika sira ne’e hotu kanta solo de’it ho banda. Agora ita tau ba formatu koru ho nia objetivu atu koru ne’ebé kanta iha lian haat (bass, tenor, sopran no alto),” dehan Prezidente Juri Ba Kompetisaun Grupu Korál Múzika Rezisténsia, Pe. Adérito Manuel Euclides Victor da Costa, SDB, ba Ajénsia TATOLI liuhusi entrevista antes kompetisaun ne’e hahú iha Salaun Centro Covenção Dili (CCD), Merkadu Lama, Dili, sábadu (3/8/2019).
Segundu, nia hatutan, sira organiza liuhusi kompetisaun ne’ebé kompetitór hamutuk grupu korál 12 ne’ebé loke ba munisípiu hotu maibé só Munisípiu Aileu de’it mak partisipa. Entaun, iha grupu 12 ne’e tanba iha razaun ruma sira fahe ba grupu tolu maka Grupu A kompostu husi grupu tolu (3/8/2019), grupu B fahe ba grupu lima (4/8/2019) no grupu C fahe ba grupu haat (5/8/2019).
Entaun, nia esplika, husi grupu tolu ne’e ekipa juri sei halo no anunsia eliminasaun iha grupu C nia aprezentasaun iha loron ikus iha segunda (5/8/2019). Husi grupu 12 ne’e, grupu haat (4) mak ita elimina no hela grupu ualu (8) mak ba tama iha semi finál. Iha semi-finál, ita sei elimina tolu (3) entaun grupu lima (5) mak sei tama ba faze finál.
“Objetivu ida tan mak iha komptisaun finál, sé mak manan, sira sei manan prémiu boot ida mak manan-na’in sei ba hananu iha 30 Agostu ho Ino Nasionál iha isar bandeira ne’e. Depois sei iha prémiu seluk
ne’ebé prémiu di´ak tebes maibé ne’e segredu hela. Prémiu ida terseiru, sé mak manan, nia lian ne’e sei ba halo gravasaun ba múzika 10 ne’e hodi halo ba CD (Compact Disc) no sira nia lian ne’e hela ba istória no múzika sira ne’e hanesan múzika nasionál,” Prezidente Juri, Aderito da Costa, informa.
Sé mak manan, nia eplika, tenke priense kriteria avaliasaun haat (4) ne’ebé ekipa juri prepara. Primeiru, harmonizasaun, katak koru sira tenke kanta tuir aranju ne’ebé hakerek ona ka notasaun sira ne’ebé iha. Intuasaun, katak kada voz ne’e iha ninia lian rasik no labele salta tun-salta sa’e, entaun lian haat (Bass, Alto, Tenor, Sopran) tenke kanta ninian ho tonaliade tenke hanesan.
Dinamikas, signifika katak espresaun balun ne’ebé mezoforte, piano, mezopiano, crescendo ka de crescendo, maibé ami mos fó liberdade ba sira atu halo espresaun. Artikulasaun, katak tenke kanta ho lian, liafuan tetun tenke moos tuir notasaun ne’ebé iha. Ikus liu mak uniforma.
“Valór aas liu mak iha harmonizasaun ne’e 30%. Intuasaun 20%. Dinamika 20%. Artikulasaun 20% no uniforma 10%,” nia esplika.
Iha biban hanesan, nia hateten, daudaun ne’e iha múzika 10 tanba múzika 10 ne’e aplika atu kanta. Múzika ho titulu “Oras To’o Ona” ne’e múzika obrigatóriu tanba ita selebra loron Konsulta populár ba dala-20 nian.
“Múzika sira ne’ebé halo selesaun mak Lemorai, Oh Rai Timor, Rai Timor Lorosa’e, Por Ti Timor, Xanana, Tansa La Dame, Buka Riku Soin, no núzika seluk tan. Iha selesaun múzika iha múzika 80 no múzika sira ne’e halo ba livru para bele fahe ba eskola sira,” nia hateten.
Nia informa, grupu korál múzika rezistensia ne’ebé kompete iha sábadu (3/8/2019) mak Grupu A ne’ebé kompostu husi Domin Ba Nai husi Tuana Laran, Movimentu Juventude Korál Sta. Cecilia no Grupu Nossa Senhora de Lourdes.
Grupu sira ne’ebé tama iha Grupu B sei kompete iha domingu (4/8/2019) ne’ebé kompostu husi grupu Santa Bhakita Becora, Nossa Senhora da Grasa, Mate Restu, Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura no grupu St. Inacio de Loyola.
Grupu korál seluk ne’ebé tama iha Grupu C sei kompete iha segunda (5/8/2019) kompostu husi grupu Nossa Senhora do Carmo Catedral, UNE-TL Aileu, Santa Filomena, Nossa Senhora do Carmo Lahane Osidentál.
SLB kontaratu jogador Ghana nain rua
Sira mak Debrah Michael Kofi ho idade 24 no Boateng Prince Appiah, idade 22, hodi reforsa liutan plantel ekipa refere iha parte meiu kampu no avansadu ba jogu segunda volta époka 2017 ne´ebé tuir oráriu sei hahú juñu oin mai.
“SLB, jogadór maioria hosi akademia, hakarak mantein nafatin ho jogadór lokál, maibé depois sai kampiaun tinan kotuk, ami mós tenke lakon jogadór prinsipál hira ne’ebé maka asina kontratu hodi haforsa klube hanesan Karketu Dili FC, Cacusan, Ponta-Leste no seluk tan”, Sekretáriu Jerál SLB, Domingos Caeiro hafoin asinatura kontratu ho jogadór na’in rua iha edifísiu SLB, kampaun Oficina Veterano Taibessi, sábadu (6/5).
Nia hatutan: “Haree ba kompetisaun iha segunda epoka ne’e kompetetivu tebes, tanba ne’e maka ami mós haka’as án hodi haforsa ekipa ida ne’e”.
Domingos informa desizaun ida ne’e bele realiza tanba hetan aprovasaun hosi Kay-Rala Xanana Gusmão nu’udar Prezidenti SLB. “Hafoin haree ba situasaun iha primeira volta ne’e ami esplika ba ami nia Prezidente Maun-Boot Xanana no nia aprova hodi halo kontratu hafoin rona esplikasaun hosi ami”.
Nia tenik katak buat seluk ida interesante maka jogadór na’in rua ne’e mai la’ós SLB maka bolu, maibé sira rona naran ne’e depois sira mai halo estájiu hamutuk iha kampu demokrasia, nufin sira konsege tama ba ekipa ne’e tanba sira lakohi atu joga iha ekipa seluk.
Durasaun kontratu, Caeiro hateten durante segunda volta époka, maibé ba jogu hanesan Tasa 12 de Novembru no Super Tasa mós prepara.
“Importante maka ami esplika ba sira katak kondisaun klube maka ne’e no klube só selu tuir klube nia kbiit, maibé jestaun klube sei fasilita sira nia alojamentu nomós trata sira nia vistu hela nian durante tinan ida tuir orientasaun Prezidente SLB nian”, esplika.
Biban ne’e, jogadór foun SLB, Boateng Prince Appiah sente ksolok tanba bele haforsa ekipa kampiaun Primeira Divizaun époka 2015/2016 iha segunda volta époka 2017 ne’e.
“Ha’u sente kontente tanba fulan ida ona ami hala’o estájiu no treinu
hamutuk iha Kampu Demokrasia, nufin ami hetan fiar hosi treinadór no jestór klube nian atu hamutuk haforsa ekipa ida ne’e iha segunda volta époka 2017”, katak Meiu kampu hosi Nasaun Ghana (22).
Aleinde ne’e, Debrah Michael Kofi (24) ne’ebé maka sei priense pozisaun hanesan avansadu orgullu tanba bele hetan fatin iha SLB.
“Ha’u atu dehan de’it ida ne’e hanesan prestijiu no onra ne’ebé boot ba ami na’in rua tanba bele hetan fatin iha klube ne’ebé maioria jogadór joven no hosi akademia”, dehan.
LFA Prontu Realiza Jogu Semana Ida Dala Hat, Maibe Utilizasaun Estádio Depende SEJD
"Los ami konsidera no Prezidente Liga fó ona orientasaun katak Liga bele orienta jogu iha Estádiu Munisipál Dili hosi kinta to domingu nune'e jogu bele termina iha setembru. Maibé desizaun atu utiliza Estádiu kompetensia Sekretariu Edtadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD)," tenik Diretor Administrasaun Planeamentu Finanansas LFA Adolmado Amaral.
Bazeia ba ezijensia Klube neen ne'ebé hamahan an iha Primeira Divizaun Liga Futeból Amadora
Diretor ne'e hatutan, parte LFA halo nafatin aprosimasaun ho SEJD nune'e bele hetan orientasaun atu bele utiliza Estádiu Munisipál Dili. Nune'e bele rezolve ezijensia klube nian.
"Kona ba ida ne'e, Prezidente Liga fó ona orientasaun maibé Sekretariu Estadu Juventude no Desportu seidauk responte atu utiliza Estádiu semana ida dala hat. Kona ba responsabiliza ba sasan ruma karik jogu halao mak at Prezidente Liga Nilton Gusmão prontu atu toma responsabilidade. Mais ida ne'e fila nafatin ba Sekretariu Edtadu nia fó autorizasaun ou lae," dehan Adolmado.
Entretantu nia mós husu ba klube hotu atu kompriende basa Liga ne'ebé lao ho natureza amadora iha ne'ebé kondisaun infrastrutura mós ladun sufisiente.
"Parte Liga prepara hotu planu sira. Maibé planu hirak ne'e mós tenke kondis ho realidade kondisaun ne'ebé agora daudauk ita iha. Kuandu kondisaun la apoiu iha tempu balu mak ita buka meius no estratejia oinsa para bele asegura aktividade ne'e bele lao nafatin. Ida ne'e nak objetivu lolos ezekutivu LFA hakarak muda kalendariu jogu," diretor ne'e esplika.
Enkuantu LFA mós planu hela atu halo mudansa iha jogu segunda volta bele realiza iha Maliana no Baucau maibé sei hare mós ba orsamentu.
Antes ne'e kalendariu jogu sei halao iha munisipiu maibé la konsege halao tanba iha fallansu uitoan kona ba orsamentu.
"Karik Sekretariu Edtadu Juventude no Desportu (SEJD) nia dehan tau nafatin osan 79 mil para ita desloka ba munisipiu entaun ita lao. Kalendariu lolos mak joga iha munisipiu ne'e. Kestaun tansa muda mai Dili ne'e kestaun orsamentu deit. Orsamentu hosi Federasaun Futeból Timor - Leste mós tarde hosi SEJD rasik foin mak 40% ne'ebé mak distribui ona ba klube sira kona ba premiu jogu inklui Prineira Divizaun no Segunda Divizaun," nia esplika.
"Tanba ne'e mak orsamentu halao jogu iha munisipiu menus. Ami lakoi hola risku entaun ezekutivu deside jogu hirak ne'e halao lai iha Dili. Bainhira osan hirak ne'e kompleta ona iha konta Liga nian planu mantein nafatin jogu halao iha munisipiu kalendariu termina iha Setembru," nia hakotu. (LFA/htc).
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Brosur IPDC
Servisu Komunitaria
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Debate Educativo
- Primeiro Lugar Hosi Departamentu Jestaun Administrativa , Semestre (6)
- Segundo Lugar Hosi Departamentu Jestaun Administrativa , Semestre (4)
- Terceiro Lugar Hosi Departamentu Jestaun Administrativa , Semestre (2)
Parabens ba imi hotu nia esforsu!!!!!!!!!!
Viva Departamentu Jestaun Administrativa
Prátika Intensivu Departamentu Jestaun Administrativa
11 Dies Natalis IPDC
Tem tido os progressos mais significativos desde 2008 com um programa académico bem organizado, compatível com a sua missão e ministrado por professores adequadamente qualificados.
Ao longo dos dez anos, os docentes demonstram as suas capacidade e vontade para levar os estudantes a um nível de conhecimento qualificativo. Criando novas espectativas e elevando novos espíritos com carácter dinâmico, bem implementado e demonstrando um bom desempenho.
Treinamentu Ba Dosente Departamentu TCI